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Why Subscribe?

Enjoy the luxury of consistent care, perfectly tailored to your face, body or hair care needs, as we deliver your wellness essentials right to your doorstep. Join our community of mindful wellness, and embrace the convenience of regular replenishments that empower you to maintain your skincare without interruptions.

How Does the Subscripton Program Work?


You're subscribing to receive this item multiple times, on a recurring basis (according to the frequency you select) with 15% off on every recurring order. You may cancel or change your subscription at any time. We will send an email reminder 5 days before each recurring order. You can change your next order date, frequency, or quantity anytime by visiting your Subtle Energies customer account.
Enjoy the luxury of consistent care, perfectly tailored to your face, body or hair care needs, as we deliver your wellness essentials right to your doorstep. Join our community of mindful wellness, and embrace the convenience of regular replenishments that empower you to maintain your skincare without interruptions, thereby enjoying the following benefits:

1. Subscribe and Save 15% on all Subtle Energies products.

2. Adjust your order frequency anytime or pause or cancel your plan with ease.

3. Enjoy free standard delivery on all auto-replenish orders.

All customers can subscribe to their favourite products.
Choose your favourite product and pick the Subscribe and Save option for 15% off recurring orders. Select the frequency, add to cart then check out. Plus, enjoy free shipping on all orders.
Yes, you can enjoy 15% off on your recurring orders.
We will notify you 5 days before the next scheduled order.
Login to your Subtle Energies account by visiting this link. You can view the details about the frequency, next shipment date, shipping address and the quantity in the middle left-hand side.
Only the first subscription order is eligible for free sample gifts or promotional offers. Second and subsequent subscription orders are not eligible for these benefits.
Login to your Subtle Energies account. Under your Subscription Dashboard, click Manage Product and select update frequency.
You can cancel anytime. No commitment needed. You can skip the scheduled order too. You can do this by logging in your Subtle Energies account, under you Subscription dashboard click the Manage Subscription dropdown button and select Cancel subscription.
We will attempt to collect the payment 7 times. If we cannot process your payment, the subscription of the product will be cancelled. You can resubscribe the product by managing your subscription inside your Subtle Energies account. You can also update your payment method in the “Manage Subscription”.
Payment for all subscription orders must be made with a credit or debit card, Shopify Payments and PayPal Express. At this time, Klarna and Afterpay/Clearpay are not accepted as payment options for subscription orders.
